LED Matrix Word Clock Page

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June, July 2024

I built something similar to this matrix word clock years ago with a larger 32x32 RGB matrix. It was powered by a Teensy 3.1 micro controller for handling the RGB matrix along with a first generation ESP8266 ESP-01 controller for WiFi connectivity. WiFi was necessary to allow the clock to use NTP for retrieving the time and date. Code for both controllers was written in the Arduino IDE. This original word clock is still functioning today in my living room as it has been for many years. When I got the urge to build this new smaller word clock I wanted to do it with a single controller and I wanted it to display current weather conditions along with time and date. That way I would have one device I could glance at and get all the information.

This new word clock was coded in GForth for the Raspberry Pi Zero W. This worked out well as GForth is a very powerful, complete and robust Forth implementation that compiles and runs really fast on the Raspberry Pi.


The word clock in its custom 3D printed case.

The case was designed in OpenSCAD and sliced and printed on my Prusa i3 MK3s printer using PETG filament.

Time is displayed in 5 minute intervals with words instead of numbers. The clock always displays a gryating Perlin noise layer under the time, date or weather which is eye catching and colorful.

The matrix is 32x32 containing a total of 1024 RGB LEDs. The matrix is 128 mm square.

Here is the back of the matrix box. There are 4 mounting screws: top, bottom, left and right which hold the back panel onto the box.

The 4 screws in the top center are used to mount the Raspberry Pi Zero W with the associated Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet.

The large holes are for air flow and cooling.

The view inside the box shows the RPi Zero W and the bonnet mounted to the rear panel. The ribbon cable and the red and black power cables connect to the matrix.

Power is supplied by a 5V 2 amp power supply that plugs into the black barrel connector at the bottom of the bonnet. The cable snakes through the large hole in the back beneath the bonnet.

Here is the matrix displaying the current time in words.

You can see a (still) colorful pattern behind the words that is really a dynamic, continuously moving display of Perlin noise.

Here is the matrix displaying the current date.

And finally, here is the matrix displaying the current weather conditions retrieved from Open Weather Map for the location of my home. Current conditions are: Fog, 61.41 degrees Fahrenheit, wind speed of 11.5 miles/hour and 93 percent relative humidity.

 Questions and comments to me Craig at: calhjh@gmail.com

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