Scene by: Craig Lindley
// Last update: 08/17/06
global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#declare Copper = color rgb <0.84,0.04,0.15>;
#declare Orange1 = color rgb <1.00,0.16,0.00>;
#declare Orange2 = color rgb <1.00,0.35,0.00>;
#declare Purple1 = color rgb <0.87,0.00,1.00>;
#declare Purple2 = color rgb <1.00,0.14,1.00>;
#declare Purple3 = color rgb <0.82,0.00,0.82>;
#declare Green1 = color rgb <0.45,0.91,0.00>;
#declare Brown1 = color rgb <0.52,0.19,0.00>;
#declare small = 15;
#declare large = 20;
#declare xlarge = 25;
light_source {
color White
camera {
location <0,-5,-108>
direction <0,0,1>
up <0,1,0>
right <1.33333,0,0>
look_at <0,-12,0>
// Define the ground
#declare myground = object {
plane { <0,1,0>, -50 hollow }
texture {
scale 300
finish {
ambient 0.4
diffuse 0.6
reflection 0.6
brilliance 20.0
// The common sphere finish
#declare myfinish = finish {
reflection 0.95
brilliance 40
phong 3
phong_size 100
ambient .1
diffuse .85
// Sphere 1
#declare sphere1 = object {
sphere { <0,0,0> xlarge }
texture { pigment {color Gold} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 2
#declare sphere2 = object {
sphere { <-37.5,-30,-15.5> large }
texture { pigment {color Green} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 3
#declare sphere3 = object {
sphere { <52.5,-17.5,-18> large }
texture { pigment {color Orange1} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 4
#declare sphere4 = object {
sphere { <-57.5,12.5,0> small }
texture { pigment {color Copper} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 5
#declare sphere5 = object {
sphere { <12.5,-32.5,-12> small }
texture { pigment {color Copper} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 6
#declare sphere6 = object {
sphere { <47.5,17.5,20> small }
texture { pigment {color Blue} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 7
#declare sphere7 = object {
sphere { <-32.5,32.5,35> small }
texture { pigment {color Green1} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 8
#declare sphere8 = object {
sphere { <17.5,30,47.5> large }
texture { pigment {color Orange1} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 9
#declare sphere9 = object {
sphere { <0,-30,-100> large }
texture { pigment {color Red} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 10
#declare sphere10 = object {
sphere { <-45,-18,0> small }
texture { pigment {color Orange2} }
finish { myfinish }
// Sphere 11
#declare sphere11 = object {
sphere { <40,-18,-5> small }
texture { pigment {color Purple1} }
finish { myfinish }
object { myground }
object { sphere1 }
object { sphere2 }
object { sphere3 }
object { sphere4 }
object { sphere5 }
object { sphere6 }
object { sphere7 }
object { sphere8 }
object { sphere9 }
object { sphere10 }
object { sphere11 }
// Riding the Red Sphere