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Here are some of my recent weavings.


Circles and Squares. Towel from Joseph Leisey's 1783 Pennsylvania manuscript. One of his many circle and square motifs here woven in twill damask, 3 blocks on 12 shafts, 100% cotton.


Circles and Squares. Two table squares again from Joseph Leisey's 1783 manuscript 


Halvdrall Towel - Again Joseph Leisey's manuscript provided the profile for this halvdrall towel, 2 blocks on 4 shafts, 100% cotton.


Interlock Twill Scarf on the loom - A painted mixed rayon warp with weft color blending of two colors of 60/2 silk with advancing treadling. 14 shafts and about 100 picks per inch.


Two purses woven in silks from traditional coverlet pattern called “Sunrise” (among other names) with beading and handwoven inkle bands. Overshot on 4 shafts.


Vines Scarf - An old French manuscript by Louis Serrure provided this wavy vines motif on an iridescence color study. Cotton, silk and rayon woven on 28 shafts.


Vines Scarf detail.


Diversified Plain weave table mat.

n9 Diversified Plain weave table mat using cloth strips for pattern weft.

A runner from Frickinger's 1740 manuscript, woven in cotton warp and linen weft. Twill damask, 8 blocks on 32 shafts.


Rainbow runner from Frickinger's 1740 manuscript, hand dyed and commercially dyed warps. 100% cotton, twill damask, 8 blocks on 32 shafts.


Rainbow runner detail.


Another pattern variation from the Frickinger  runners.


Baroque Towel – Again from Fickinger's 1740 manuscript, a rainbow dyed warp with a baroque pattern. 100% cotton, 26 shafts

n15 Baroque Towel detail.
n16 Baroque Towel color variation.
n17 Baroque Towel color variation detail.

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