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Over the years I have written quite a few articles and books on mostly high tech topics. People ask me if I will ever write another book and I guess I don't know the answer to that question. Writing books is a lot of work as anyone who as ever written anything will tell you. All of my books are currently out of print but can be purchased through Amazon. Unfortunately the royalties have all dried up but they were good while they lasted. I still get email from people all over the world asking for help on the topics I have written about. I do have a non high tech scifi type novel sketched out but I don't know if I will ever make it into a real book.

Recently, I have been writing technical articles for Nuts and Volts magazine and Dr. Dobb's Journal  having to do with my latest projects. See them here.

My Books

book 1
This is the first book I wrote.  It was for writing assembly language programs on the Radio Shack TRS-80, the first mass produced personal computer. Believe it or not this was once a hot topic for computer books. This book as published in 1983 by Wayne Green and Associates of New Hampshire.
book 2
This was the second book I wrote and was the best money maker of them all. This book seemed to fill a niche for practical information on image processing with an emphasis on the then new personal computer. This book was used as a classroom text at a few colleges (even here in Colorado Springs). In this book I presented the hardware design of what I called the worlds least expensive video digitizer. Capturing images from video is old hat today but it was hot stuff back then. This book was published by John Wiley and Sons, New York in 1991.

Here is the Russian translation of "Practical Image Processing in C" above. If I didn't know this was my book I could not have known from the cover. I think my name is on there but I'm not entirely sure.
Here is the Chinese translation of my book. This cover I can read.
This is the Korean translation of my book. Look, they almost got my name spelled correctly.
This was the book that was the most fun to write because I got to created a lot of truely remarkable images. In this book I provided the computer software to generate and render raytraced images on the then crude graphic cards of the day. I still enjoy raytracing. Check out my raytracing page for images I have done recently. This book was also published by John Wiley and Sons, New York in 1992.
My friend Curtis Jones and I started a company to capture some of the imaging business personal computer were making possible in the early 1990s. Our company was called Enhanced Data, Inc. We eventually closed the company as we were too far ahead of the curve to make the sales we needed to keep it going and venture capital was not around then.

  People didn't then understand how important imaging on personal computers was going to be. We never made a lot of money in the company so when it closed I took all of the imaging technology I had developed for the product and wrote a book about it. The book made decent money so all was not lost. This book was published by John Wiley and Sons, New York in 1995.
java book
This is the latest book I have published using a traditional publisher. It combines two of my interests namely programming in Java and the manipulation and generation of sound. In this book I present code for many sound processing effects including reverb, phasing, phlanging,  digital filters and a bunch more. I had been collecting the algorithms that I published in this book for a couple of decades. This book was published by Prentice-Hall in 2000.

This is my latest booklet which contains articles of projects I have written about using the ESP8266 micro controller device. This is my first attempt at self publishing so we will have to see how that works. If successful there will be three or four follow on booklets having to do with the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi, the Teensy micro controller and possibly a booklet on technology in general.

This booklet along with the accompanying code is available here.

My Publication List

The following is a list of magazine articles, books and significant programs I have written. They are listed in reverse chronological order from the most to the least recent. HAD refers to the website Hack A Day at: https://hackaday.com/blog/

Home Depot Lamp Gets A Rainbow Upgrade, HAD, February 2025
More Things To Do With Your Cheap Yellow Display, HAD, January 2025
A Simple Laser Harp MIDI Instrument, HAD, June 2024
Agate Light Twinkles Just Right, HAD, November 2023
A Brand-New Antique Radio, HAD, November 2023
DIY Square Guitar Is Anything But, HAD, December 2022
Motion Activated Clock Only Lights Up On Command, HAD, December 2022
Raspbery Pi Plots World Wide Earthquakes, HAD, October 2021
Thinking Of You, IOT Style, HAD, May 2016
Led Cube Is A Little Bit Of A Kit, A Lot Of Point To Point Soldering, HAD, January 2012
Review of the "Dr. Duino Starter Kit for the Arduino Uno", Nuts and Volts Magazine, *
Review of the "Zeppelin Design Labs Altura MIDI Theremin Controller", Nuts and Volts Magazine, March 2018. *
76 A booklet, "Craig A. Lindley's Micro Controller Projects - Volume 1 - The Amazing ESP8266, October 2017, available here.
An article, "SamplerBox Mellotron", Nuts and Volts Magazine, September 2017.  *
An article, "NeoPixel LED Tree", Nuts and Volts Magazine, November 2017, available here.  *
An article, "ESP8266 World Clock", Nuts and Volts Magazine, July 2017, available here.  *
An article, "Teensy Eight Channel Digital Color Organ", Nuts and Volts Magazine, March 2017. 
An article, "Portable Media Center", Nuts and Volts Magazine, October 2016.
An article, "ESP8266 Based Robot and Robot Controller", Servo Magazine, May 2016, available here.
An article, "ESP8266 RSS News Reader", Nuts and Volts Magazine, January 2017, available here.
An article, "ESP8266 Weather Clock", Nuts and Volts Magazine, November 2016, available here.
An article, "ESP8266 NTP Clock", Nuts and Volts Magazine, June 2016, available here.
An article, "Thinking of You", Nuts and Volts Magazine, November 2015, available here.
An article, "A Web Controlled Music and Internet Radio Player", Nuts and Volts Magazine, August 2015.
An article, "Meet the ESP8266: A Tiny, WiFi Enabled, Arduino Compatible Micro Controller", Nuts and Volts Magazine, October 2015, available here.
An article, "Using Serial Bluetooth with a Micro Controller", Nuts and Volts Magazine, June 2015.
An article, "Driving LEDs with a Micro Controller", Nuts and Volts Magazine , April 2015.
An article, "MIDI Buddy", Nuts and Volts Magazine, February 2015.
An article, "The Light Appliance for your Holiday Fun", Nuts and Volts Magazine, October, 2014.
An article, "Programming the Arduino in AmForth", Servo Magazine, February 2014
An article, "Arduino Controlled Digital FM Radio", Nuts and Volts Magazine, February 2014.
An article, "A Unique LED Clock", Nuts and Volts Magazine, March 2014.
An article, "Writing a Particle System on the Raspberry Pi". Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  October 29, 2013. 
An article, "Raspberry Pi Internet Radio / Music Player", Nuts and Volts Magazine, August 2013. 
An article, "Building An Electric Guitar", Nuts and Volts Magazine, June 2013. 
An article, "Smart Necklace", Nuts and Volts Magazine, July 2013.
An article, "Raspberry Pi, Anyone ?", Nuts and Volts Magazine, March 2013.
An article, "The Desktop Contemplator", Nuts and Volts Magazine, December 2012.
An article, "DDS and the Electronic Music Box", Nuts and  Volts Magazine, April 2012.
An article, "Build Your Own Wifi Internet Radio", Nuts and  Volts Magazine, March 2012.
An article, "Volcano Discovery - The Grand Tour". Rock and Gem Magazine, January 2012 issue and available here. This was my first attempt at writing something non technical. This article describes Heather and my trip to Italy in 2011 for our 30th anniversary to climb Italy's active volcanoes.
An article, "The Infinity Portal", Nuts and Volts Magazine, August 2011.
An article, "Creating Electronic Music Components in Software - Part Four". Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  July 19, 2011. 
An article, "Creating Electronic Music Components in Software - Part Three". Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  June 27, 2011. 
An article, "Creating Electronic Music Components in Software - Part Two". Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  June 9, 2011. 
An article, "Creating Electronic Music Components in Software - Part One". Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  May 31, 2011. 
An article, "Probability Selector", Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  March 17, 2010. Available here.
41 An article, "Build a Laptop Digital Picture Frame", Nuts and Volts Magazine, January 2010.
40 An article, "Getting Started with Embedded Development", Dr. Dobb's Journal on line.  October 26, 2009. Available here.
39 An article, "A Forth HTML Generator",  Dr. Dobb's Journal on line. December 23, 2008. Available here.
38 An article, "Webster2 - A low power, personal web server", Dr. Dobb's Journal, November 2008. Available here.
37 An article, "Audio Applications and Effects Made Easy", Dr. Dobb's Journal on line. July 20, 2008. Available here.
36 An article, "Webster - The Mini Webserver", Nuts and Volts Magazine, July 2008
35 An article, "JForth: Implementing Forth in Java. Dr. Dobbs Journal on line. May  21, 2008. Available here.
An article, "Psychedelia II - A Digital Color Organ", Nuts and Volts Magazine, January 2008.
An article, "Lattice Wave Digital Filters", Nuts and Volts Magazine, November 2007.
An article, "Floating Point Multiplication and Division without Hardware Support", Nuts and Volts Magazine, September 2007.
A book, “Digital Audio with Java” published by Prentice-Hall in January of 2000. ISBN 0-13-087676-3.
30 Part two of the two part article series entitled, “CAL, JPEG like Image Compression”, Dr. Dobbs Journal, September 1995.
29 Part one of a two part article series entitled, “CAL, JPEG like Image Compression”, Dr. Dobbs Journal, August 1995.
28 A book, “Photographic Imaging Techniques in C++ for Windows and Windows NT”, published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. in November of 1995. ISBN 0-471-11568-1.
27 An article, "Very Dynamic Linking in Windows", Dr. Dobbs Journal, 1994 Special Edition.
26 An article, "Image Acquisition Using TWAIN", Dr. Dobbs Journal, August 1994.
25 An article entitled, "Ray Tracing and the POV-Ray Toolkit", Dr. Dobbs Journal, July 1994.
24 A book "Practical Ray Tracing in C" published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. in November of 1992. ISBN 0-471-57301-9.
23 A book "Practical Image Processing in C" published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. in November of 1990. ISBN 0-471-54377-2. This book has been translated into Chinese, Korean and Russian.
22 An article, "A Serial Protocol Analyzer", Dr. Dobbs Journal, February 1988, pg. 30.
21 An article, "Multitasking with Turbo Pascal", Dr. Dobbs Journal, July 1987, pg. 42.
20 Contributing author to the book, "Dr. Dobbs Toolbook of Forth Volume II", published by M&T Publishing, Redwood City, Ca., ISBN 0-934375-41-0, 1987. Articles on pages 279, 313 and 333.
19 An article, "Forth Windows for the IBM PC", Dr. Dobbs Journal, July 1986, pg. 46.
18 An article, "HELP for your Device Driver", Computer Language Magazine, January 1986, pg. 41.
17 An article, "A FORTH Spreadsheet - Part 2", FORTH Dimensions Magazine, Volume 7, Number 2, July/August 1985, pg. 30.
16 An article, "A FORTH Spreadsheet", FORTH Dimensions Magazine, Volume 7, Number 1, May/June 1985, pg. 14.
15 The program "The Alternate FORTH", a complete FORTH language and operating system for the TRS-80 line of Radio Shack computers. Marketed by the Alternate Source, Lansing, MI. 1983.
14 The book, "TRS-80/Z80 Assembly Language Library", published by Wayne Green Publishing, Inc., Peterborough, New Hampshire. ISBN 0-88006-060-3. 1983.
13 Contributing author to the book, "The Rest of 80", published by Wayne Green Books, Peterborough, New Hampshire. ISBN 0-88006-062X, 1983. Articles, "PASSWORD Utility" on pg. 163 and "Blinking and Repeating for the Model 1" on pg. 223.
12 Contributing author to the book, "Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 Volume 8", published by Wayne Green, Inc., Peterborough, New Hampshire. 1982. Article, "TRS-80 Jukebox" pg. 71.
11 An article, "Inside Scripsit - Part 3", 80 Microcomputing Magazine, December 1982, pg. 130.
10 An article, "Inside Scripsit - Part 2", 80 Microcomputing Magazine, October 1982, pg. 276.
9 An article, "Inside Scripsit - Part 1", 80 Microcomputing Magazine, September 1982, pg. 222.
8 An article, "Assembly Language Library #6", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 6, Issue 18, March 1982, pg. 127.
7 An article, "Assembly Language Library #5", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 5, Issue 17.
6 An article, "Assembly Language Library #4", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 4, Issue 16, 1982.
5 An article, "Command Sequence Program", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 4, Issue 16, 1982.
4 An article, "Assembly Language Library #3", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 3, Issue 15, April/May 1982, pg. 86.
3 An article, "Assembly Language Library #2", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 2, Issue 14, March 1982.
2 An article, "Introduction to the Assembly Language Library", The Alternate Source Magazine, ISSN 0277-2418, Volume III, Number 1, Issue 13, January/February 1982, pg. 43.
1 An article, "Backup/Display Utility Program", 80 Microcomputing Magazine, May 1980, pg. 96.

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