Newly Recorded Music Page

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This page has the most recent tunes I have recorded.

For the most part I played all of the instruments used during these recording  (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, piano, synthesizers and various percussion instruments) and sing most of the vocal parts in every song. My friend, Paul Douglass, played the drums and congas on many of these songs and sings background vocals on others. Chris Redd played lead guitar on some as well. If you hear a nice lead part, it is probably Chris playing it.

-- I want to make one thing perfectly clear --
I record these songs with total respect for the artists that wrote and performed them originally. I never have and never will try to make any money on these recordings. These songs cannot be sold for any reason because I don't own the rights to most of the songs. I record these songs for myself, my family and my friends only, never to make money.

It is best to listen to these tunes with headphones as that is how I recorded and mixed them. 

Written By
What's Going On
Another overtly political tune from Martin Kerr describing the current US conditions.
Martin Kerr
God Rest Ye Merry Billionaires
Probably one of the worst corruptions of a classic Christmas song in existence but Martin Kerr did it justice. This guys is really good and has a great voice. You should check him out at:
Martin Kerr
Music On Hold
Because, as I noted below, I first heard this tune when put on hold, I decided to simulate the experience with this recording. Thanks to Heather for the pleasant music on hold voice.
Lindsay Tomasic
Brockway Mountain
In the last 6 months I have heard this song numerous times when I was put on hold when calling various companies. Every time I heard this song I said to myself that I needed to find out who wrote and played the song. I finally did a search and found Lindsay and her company that writes music and jingles for advertising. After I found the original recording, I learned the tune in about half and hour and then decided to record it. This is the recorded tune.
Lindsay Tomasic
Fur Elise
Now for something entirely different.
One of Beethoven's most loved tunes that was only discovered and published 40 years after his death.
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Hey Hey 
An original song that I wrote with an Island vibe
Under The Boardwalk
A song almost everyone on the planet has heard and mostly know the words to
Artie Resnick, Kenny Young
You Didn't Have To Be So Nice
Song originally done by the Lovin Spoonful.
Steve Boone, John Sebastian

If there was a song on this page that is missing, look here.

Remember: if you find a song you like you can right click on the link and download it to your computer.
Please share these tunes with whoever you like.

This page offers only a small selection of the music I have recorded over the years. My goal is to record all of my favorite songs I grew up with. My main music page is here.
Questions and comments to me Craig at:

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